Call for Abstract

13th Annual Conference on Stem Cell and Biomaterials , will be organized around the theme “Advanced concepts and Frameworks for Biomaterials and Applications ”

Euro Biomaterials 2019 is comprised of 27 tracks and 96 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Euro Biomaterials 2019.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Now a days use of conventional biomaterials like polymer,ceramics ,metal and composites continuously does not fulfils the requirements in the tough medical challenge.So in that case alternative ,body liquid metals are now creating an era as functional biomaterials which possess unconventional properties compared with superior to traditional biomaterials having  high fluidity, excellent electrical and thermal conductivities, good biocompatibility, sufficient radiopacity, controllable behaviour, easy manufacture and low cost.Liquid metal alloys has excellent conductivity, low toxicity, and shape-shifting abilities.So due to this it has put good use in cancer targeting cells, and in self fuelled motors for robots.




  • Track 1-1Unconventional fluidic properties
  • Track 1-2Liquid metal injectable electronics
  • Track 1-3Liquid metal printed biosensors
  • Track 1-4Skin electronics
  • Track 1-5Tumor theraphy

Stem cell biotechnology could be a revolutionary sub field of biotechnology to develop and improve tools and generate a lot of on through modify and regenerative medication somatic cell technology is vital role in tissue regeneration medication the premise for somatic cell transplantation is that blood cells (red cells, white cells and platelets) and immune cells (lymphocytes) arise from the stem cells, that are gift in marrow, peripheral blood and cord blood. Intense medical aid or medical care kills the patient's stem cells.


  • Track 2-1Plant Biotechnology
  • Track 2-2Stem Cell Genome Engineering

 It has been expressed that stem cells have a capability to supply an outsized variety of cells that successively helps in forming the destroyed tissue or associate degree organ. In distinction, stem cells also can be assisted in repairing the broken organs, during which the mechanism carries go into  completely different choices: support mechanism and replace option. The support mechanism of the somatic cell is regeneration or the regrowth of the tissue or organ cells avoiding damaging pathology. The replace choice of the stem cell is to transplant the stem cell.


  • Track 3-1Stem cell exosomes
  • Track 3-2Mesenchymal stem cells: harnessing cell plasticity

Stem Cells can be defined as dedifferentiated biological cells that may differentiate into specialized cells and maydivide (through mitosis) to supply additional stem cells. They will be found in found in cellular organisms. In mammals, there square measure to broad kinds of stem cells: Embryonic stem cells, that square measure isolated from the inner cell mass of blastocysts, and adult stem cells, that are found in numerous tissues in adult organisms. Stem cells is also taken from fatal membrane blood merely once birth. Of all cell varieties, autologous gather involves the littlest quantity risk. By definition, autologous cells square measure obtained from one's own body, at the same time as one might bank his or her own blood for elective surgical procedures stem cells and ascendent cells act as a repair system for the body, replenishing adult tissues.


  • Track 4-1Cell Reprogramming

Stem cell Niche  is defined as Self-renewal and differentiation of Stem Cell  is modulated in an area of stem cell. The ability to specific niche cell types and intrinsic factors in this micro environment to maintain tissue homeostasis.The most important thing of Niche is to determine how stem cells behaves and what can be possible reason for some fatal diseases like cancers which results in creating microenvironment more or mutated growth factors which makes stem cell to replicate without differentiation and ultimately becomes cancerous. Researchers are studying about the various component of the Niche and try to replicate in-vivo niche conditions.


  • Track 5-1Multipotent Stem Cells
  • Track 5-2Neural Stem Cells

Cancer stem cells are the cells which the possess characteristics of traditional stem cells. CSCs could generate tumors through the somatic cell processes of self-renewal and differentiation into multiple cell sorts. Such cells square measure hypothesized to act tumors as a definite population and cause relapse and metastasis by giving rise to new tumors. A development of specific therapies targeted at CSCs holds hope for improvement of survival and quality of lifetime of cancer patients, particularly for patients with pathologic process illness.


  • Track 6-1Stem cell Biomarkers
  • Track 6-2Breast cancer stem cell

Self-reestablishment and multiplication of foundational being populaces is controlled, to a point, by pretense of cell death. Caspase mediated cell death of stem cells could be a dynamic method that changes consequently to the response to environmental conditions. The amount of stem cells are continually balanced between the lost through differentiation and to the gained through proliferation. Self-renewal and multiplication is controlled to a point by the pretense of caspase-mediated cell death. Due to natural conditions caspase-mediated cell death of immature microorganisms is accepted to be dynamic.



  • Track 7-1p53 Pathway and heat shock proteins (HSPs)
  • Track 7-2Cancer stem cells and impaired apoptosis

Embryonic stem cells unit derived from embryos at a organic process stage before the time that implantation would usually occur among the female internal reproductive organ. Fertilization normally happens among the embryo, and thru consecutive few days, a series of cleavage divisions occur as a result of the embryo travels down the body fluid and into the feminine internal organ. each of the cells (blast meres) of these cleavage-stage embryos unit undifferentiated , i.e. they're doing not look or act rather like the specialised cells of the adult, and thus the blast meres do not appear to be notwithstanding committed to turning into any specific type of differentiated cell. so each those blast meres have the potential to relinquish rise to any cell of the body.


  • Track 8-1Trans Genesis in Embryonic Stem Cells
  • Track 8-2Embryonic Stem Cell in Genetics

Hematopoietic Stem Cells are merely stem cells collected from embryos, therefore this isn’t such a lot of a useful definition because it may be a description of their supply. the ability of those cells is that they’re (almost always) pluripotent, that makes them a particularly valuable tool for analysis. However, they’re not nearly as helpful for therapeutic applications, as something they differentiate into won’t be compatible with the system of the recipient. rather more promising are induced pluripotent stem cells, that are differentiated cells that are de-differentiated into one thing, approximating an embryonic somatic cell.


  • Track 9-1Hematopoietic Stem Cell in Cardiology

Induced pluripotent Stem cells are created by inducement the specialised cells to specific genes that area unit usually gift in embryonic stem cells which management cell functions. Embryonic Stem Cells and iPS. Cells share several characteristics, together with the flexibility become the cells of all organ and  tissues, however they're not identical. IPS cells are a strong technique for making patient- and disease-specific cell lines for analysis.


  • Track 10-1IPSC Advantages in Pharmaceutical Industry
  • Track 10-2IPSC Advantages in Cardiology

Adult stem cells may be collected from your fat (fat) and banked. These stem cells don't need duct and also the animal tissue contains repeatedly a lot of stem cells than the bone marrow. These cells are shown to regenerate broken tissue like gristle, excretory organ and even heart tissue. In Bio Banking this blood is collected once obtaining consent from the parents and is shipped to a wire bank, where the stem cells unit of measurement separated, tested, processed, and preserved at -196 C mistreatment technically, there is no termination date and these stem cells area unit typically preserved for a amount of your time. Scientifically, proof exists that they will be keeping for up to twenty four years. The stem cells can treat around seventy blood connected disorders and genetic disorders beside hypochromic anemia, red blood corpuscle anaemia, leukaemia, and immune connected disorders.


  • Track 11-1Cord Blood Cell Banks
  • Track 11-2Cryo Preservation

Lipogems is new innovative technique developed in Regenerative medication treatment by gather fat (fat) from your own body and method to a replacement distinctive system to injectable substance with advanced healing properties .it is principally advanced technique in orthopedic field by treating diseases like inflammatory disease and joint pains like knee Replacements and alternative reaction disorders. once a legs or arm is amputated thanks to infection or any birth defects medicine terribly useful in providing quality and for betterment of quality of life.


  • Track 12-1Lipogems in Orthopaedics
  • Track 12-2Regenerexx Techniques

Cellular Senescence refers senescence growth arrest enforces the idea that the senescence response evolved a minimum of partially to suppress the event of cancer. The senescence arrest is taken into consideration irreversible as results of no noted physiological stimuli can stimulate recent cells to enter the cell cycle. Senescence cell response is accepted as a potent growth restrictive mechanism. However, recent proof strengthens the idea that it jointly drives chronic pathologically, presumptively by promoting chronic inflammation. Thus, the senescence response is additionally the results of antagonistically pleiotropic sequence action


  • Track 13-1 Cellular Senescence

3D-Bioprinting is a technique in which 3D-printing is used to combine cells,growth growth factors and in fabrication of biomaterial parts.Generally in bioinks ,3D printing uses layer by layer method to deposit  materials and create tissue like structures which are later used in medical and tissue engineering fields.Biomaterials is now emerging innovations for bioprinting of cells .Bioprinting  covers a wide range of biomaterials.3D-Printing is showing its profound utility in research and in regenerative medicine. Also there is printing of scaffolds are taking place through bioprinting and these scaffolds are used to regenerate joints and ligaments.Biomaterials like metal,ceramics,polymers and composites are currently used biomaterials in 3D-bioprinting.


  • Track 14-1Inkjet Bioprinting
  • Track 14-2Polyjet Bioprinting
  • Track 14-3Fused deposition modelling
  • Track 14-4FDM
  • Track 14-5Extrusion based Bioprinting

Biomaterials are defined as artificial materials that are made up of  biobased or synthesized materials. Biomaterials are used  for  reparation or reconstruction of the musculo-skeletal system and soft tissue regeneration and conjointly in various medical instruments and devices. The potential applications for biomaterials is quickly increasing, with entirely different physical, mechanical and medical properties required for numerous applications. One versatile and widely used methodology for the short preparation and testing of biomaterials is Pulser Laser deposition (PLD). Geistlich biomaterials are derivatives of natural bovine or porcine material that are been developed for new bone or soft tissue formation. They are used to promote new bone formation and soft tissue healing in the human body.Biomineralisation is a process of formation of minerals by living organism which are used for harden and stiffening of existing tissues. 


  • Track 15-1Types of biomaterials
  • Track 15-2Mechanical properties
  • Track 15-3Applications of biomaterials
  • Track 15-4Biocompatibility
  • Track 15-5Evolution of biomaterials research

Dental caries is the most common and widespread biofilm-dependent oral disease which causes  destruction of tooth structure by the acidic attack from cariogenic bacteria.It remains a challenging problem and the adult population facing this problem is enormous and despite of having advances in caries prevention and tooth restoration,treatments continue to pose  is a substantial burden to healthcare.Amalgam is the most commonly used silver grey material in the field of dentistry.With an increase in clinical need for dental patient,a variety of novel dental biomaterials have been developed.These biomaterials should be stable and easily compactible with oral environment.The biomaterials which are in current use are Zirconia, resin composites, titanium alloys etc..


  • Track 16-1Dental adhesives
  • Track 16-2Zirconia in dentistry
  • Track 16-3Dental cements
  • Track 16-4Preventive dental materials
  • Track 16-5Nanoidentation techniques

Biophotonics is a technique which forms an interaction between photon and biological materials.It is an interdisciplinary field which is used for the development and application optical techniques, particularly imaging, to the study of biological molecules, cells and tissue.One of the benefits of using optical technique is that they store the integrity of biological cells which are being examined.Recent biophotonics have developed the new applications for clinical diagnostics and therapies for fluids, cells and tissues.These advancements allowing the scientist and physicians to develop superior, non-invasive diagnostics for vascular and blood flow, and tool for better examination of skin lesions.


  • Track 17-1Optical fibres
  • Track 17-2Light-Tissue interactions
  • Track 17-3Optical probes and Biosensors
  • Track 17-4Spectroscopic methodologies
  • Track 17-5Optical imaging

Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine provides a number of solutions to clinical problems which a permanent replacement devices cannot provide. The most challenging area for biomaterials based tissue engineering is to provide the regenerative solutions to musculoskeletal problems that emphasise the biomaterials which have been developed as scaffolds for tissue engineering in cartilage. To provide successful regeneration in tissue regeneration, the cell should undergo proper proliferation and differentiation resulting in cell-induced tissue regeneration.


  • Track 18-1Regenerative engineering
  • Track 18-2Silk Biomaterials
  • Track 18-3Scaffolds
  • Track 18-4Soft tissue replacement
  • Track 18-5Tissue mechanics

The commonly used materials in orthopaedic surgeries are biomaterials. They show host response to orthopaedic material and encompass the host response to local tissue trauma and implant itself. tissue  grafts and tissue graft substitutes are one of the most widely used biomaterials in orthopaedic implants .Tissue grafts includes autograft, allograft, or xenograft. Bone grafting is another technique which is used either alone or in combination with arthroplasty, spine, trauma, and other orthopedic procedures.


  • Track 19-1Orthopaedic implant
  • Track 19-2Metallic materials
  • Track 19-3Autografts and Allografts
  • Track 19-4Bone protein extract
  • Track 19-5Bone trauma

Metallic biomaterials are the substance which plays important role for internal support of biological tissues which are largely used in dental implants, joint replacements, orthopaedic fixations and in stents. Metallic biomaterial is future standard for hard tissue applications and in soft tissue needs .The current biomaterials has issue related to metal on metal wear, metallic ion leaching, corrosion, and such other time-dependent degradation phenomena.  Laser usage for surface modification of metallic biomaterial is now becoming increasingly popular.


  • Track 20-1Alloys
  • Track 20-2Metallic implant materials
  • Track 20-3Microrough surface
  • Track 20-4Biodegradation behaviour
  • Track 20-5Porous and Non-porous metallic biomaterials

Cardiovascular biomaterial is presently having a great demand and investment in the field of medicine. Biocompactibilty is the main criteria for cardiovascular biomaterials.Surface modification methods are presently used methods for increasing the compactibility of biomaterials. The scope of cardiovascular biomaterials is growing gradually and lots of new investigators and researchers are developing interest towards this field. Two important consideration for cardiovascular biomaterials are physical & mechanical properties and biocompactibility. Metallic and polymeric materials shows a better replacement in cardiac tissues, but they fail in case of biological tissues.Metallic and polymeric materials serve as a better replacement in repair and replacement of cardiac tissues .


  • Track 21-1 Cardiovascular stents
  • Track 21-2Biofunctionalization
  • Track 21-3Surface modification strategies
  • Track 21-4Material and Device design
  • Track 21-5Vascular grafts

The spine is a combination of bones, joints, ligaments, tendons and muscles. Failure of any of these parts might need the operating surgeon to control or stop deterioration in stability or in neurological function.Over the past few decades, spine disorders became a significant health concern and therefore a variety of spinal surgical procedures has been rising considerably. A number of biotechnologies and biomaterial techniques are applied in spinal surgery for its effective treatment within the spine, once conservative treatment is ineffective the foremost suggested operation is decompression followed by fusion. Success rates of spine fusion extensively depends on  bone grafts peculiar properties. Autograft has been acheived   a solid but still research is focussed on development of new biomaterials. 


  • Track 22-1Materials for spinal applications
  • Track 22-2Forces on the spine
  • Track 22-3Spinal fusion
  • Track 22-4Artificial disc
  • Track 22-5Spinal pathologies and clinical problems

Bioactive glasses are novel dental materials which are mainly used in dentistry. It consists of calcium and phosphate which are present in proportion similar to bone hydroxyapatite.They are presently used in bone grafts, scaffolds and coating material for dental implants. Bioactive glasses like bioglass(45S5) are used intraorally for bone grafting. The bioactive glasses involves two common process namely sol-gel and melting. It forms a strong, rapid and stable bond with host tissues. Bioactive glass has become an interesting area for researchers and still research on bioactive glass is going on. Bioactive glass with various composition  are used for wide range of applications.   


  • Track 23-1Materials
  • Track 23-2Clinical applications
  • Track 23-3Mesoporous bioactive glass
  • Track 23-4Melt derived bioactive silicate glass
  • Track 23-5Sol-gel derived glass

Biomaterials plays a important role in the field of medicine today.The main function of biomaterial is its healing power for injuries and restoring function. Biomaterials are naturally or synthetically derived. Natural Biomaterial include silk,gelatin etc. while synthetic biomaterial includes polymers,ceramics and composites. Metals are the main criteria for manufacturing of biomaterial and are widely used in the field of orthopaedic, cardiac and in dental implants.  Since metals are more prone to corrosion, wear so surface coating and modification of metal are necessary for good medical application.  


  • Track 24-1Smart biomaterials
  • Track 24-2Hydrogel and Bioactive coatings
  • Track 24-3Nanoassemblies
  • Track 24-4Ceramic biomaterials
  • Track 24-5Diamond based biomaterials

There is an excellent future prospects for biomaterial and nanotechnology in the field of medicine. Nanomedicine “the application of nanotechnology to health” showed an exponential growth for the last two decades.  Now a days nanoparticles are showing a great interest because of their  unique optical, magnetic, electrical, and other properties emerge.  Recent  advancements like nanometer-sized ceramics, polymers, metals and composites are receiving much attention in the field of bone tissue engineering. The bionanomaterials has applications in novel fibres  ,sensors ,adhesives etc. These are used for the cancer treatment, regeneration practices and the polymers  are important for gene delivery systems.


  • Track 25-1Graphene
  • Track 25-2Nanocomposite materials
  • Track 25-3Nanoparticles
  • Track 25-4Blended nanomaterials
  • Track 25-5Polymer brushes

Stem cell plays a distinguished role in tissue engineering applications. There will be a synergistic impact on stem cell based regenerative therapies through stem cell and biomaterial technology. Interaction of stem cell technology and biomaterials would allow the latest biomaterial designation for future clinical therapeutic applications. The method mainly aims for development of adult stem cell-based tissue designed for biomaterial implants and organoids. This method develops the cells to produce and use induced Pluripotent cells (iPS) from differentiated cells.


  • Track 26-1stem cell engineering
  • Track 26-2Nanofiber matrix
  • Track 26-3stem cell interactions
  • Track 26-4stem cell theraphy
  • Track 26-5Adult stem cells

Biodegradable biomaterials are those which undergoes degradation on exposure to microorganism or through other processes. Polymers are the important class of biomaterials. Biodegradable polymers has a great advantage over biostable polymer. Now a days biodegradable polymers shows a great interest in medical applications and in future biodegradable polymers replace the biostable of the important advantage of biodegradable polymer is it does not leave any mark of residue at the implantation site. Hydrolytic degradation is the main mechanism involve  in polymer degradation. Modification in current polymers and their processing techniques allows improvement in order to produce better performance in biological of the important trend is the synthesis of novel polymers which exhibits improved bioavailability and bioresponsive.


  • Track 27-1Biodegradable polymer
  • Track 27-2Biodegradable ceramics
  • Track 27-3Bioabsorbable stent
  • Track 27-4Biodegradable metals
  • Track 27-5Biomimetic materials