Roni Lara Moya
University of Mogi das Cruzes, Brazil
Title: Active specific immunotherapy (ASI) and GcMAF Forte in management of metastatic invasive carcinoma–overview of the therapeutic modalities and a case report
Biography: Roni Lara Moya
Metastatic cancer is often a fatal disease with low survival rate that in a course of its progression implies a pathogenic cascade involving inflammation, overexpression of reactive oxygen species, loss of DNA repair, genome instability, neoangiogenesis, epithelial infiltration, collagen destruction, and immunosuppression and apoptosis evasion by cancer cells. Understanding the cross-interaction mechanism between the immune co-stimulatory and inhibitory molecules on one side and tumors cells is a key point in the development of a successful immunotherapeutic strategy to fight aggressive cancers. The active specific immunotherapy (ASI) and the GC protein macrophage activating factor (GcMAF) are two immunotherapies capable of modulating the innate and adaptive immunity against cancer. The aim of this talk is to present a case of an invasive metastatic carcinoma treated with ASI and GcMAF Forte and discusses the potentials of the individualized immunotherapy in advanced forms of cancer. Immunotherapy improves status of immune system and as a result it increases patient’s life span (and probably survival rate). In conclusion, the ASI and GcMAF Forte may offer a promising prospective immunological biomedical approach to boost immunity and enhance life expectancy in patients with metastatic cancer.